Meet The Toucans

Beak performance from a bunch of flappers!

Alex Kalimat

Chief Toucan / Camera Addict

My two favourite things are watching the world and taking photos. I hope, one day, to find a way to combine these two passions.

Ashley Southall

Animator / Medical Doctor

The great ones do not know how great they leave their sorrows. But we are led by the duties of pains more severe.

Charlotte Summer

Illustrator / 2D Animator

“…if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”
— The Twits

Elaina Waterhouse

Studio Producer

I don’t like writing bios. So I’m going to throw this out to the world for suggestions.

Emily Leith

Office Assistant / Frog Wrangler

My two favourite things are pressing buttons and taking photos. I hope, one day, to find a way to combine these two loves.

Ethan Leith

Video Editor / Motion Graphics

You can’t claim I said this. I edited it out!

Josh Packham

Strategy / Digital Marketing

Your passion is everything, show it off, tell everyone about it and most of all, enjoy it!

Niall High

Lead Animator / Motion Graphics

Always shoot for the moon, because even if miss you'll be out among the stars. Just bring a parachute (er… I mean a space suit) just in case.

Oliver Saunders

Creative Chief / Lead Donut taster

The perfect form can be found in nature — round, with a central hole and generally covered in sugar… or that may just be a donut.

Tiana Rawlins

Junior 2D Animator

I have a specific set of skills, etcetera, etcetera! Give me back my daughter, innit?!

Honey The Dog

Chief Barking idiot

If a sausage stood for election, I'd vote for it, then eat it! Nom! (Also Woof!)

Reasons To Like Us


We’re Nice People

Officially the only creative agency to offer a 100% no-jerks guarantee.*

(*Guarantee has no cash value.)


We Care

We care about you. We care about doing a good job. We care about the people you serve. And we care about the planet and all the little things that scurry about on its surface.


We’ve Got Your Back

Your success is our success. We will never sell you what you don’t need. And we won’t stop until you’re happy. We’re pathological!


We’re Occasionally Hilarious

Light entertainment guaranteed — just ask our pets.*

(*Also not a guarantee. Our pets don’t have discerning tastes!)


We’re Good At What We Do

Helping you discover your inner balloon animal and telling stories with motion is exactly the kind of rocket surgery we’ve trained for.*

(*On reflection this should probably come higher up the list.)